SSH is currently in early preview. We'd love to hear from you. Contact us or open a GitHub issue if you'd like to share feedback.


This guide will walk you through installing the Infra connector on a Linux machine so that you can connect to it with ssh.

Login and enable SSH

On your desktop, download the Infra CLI and log in to Infra. If you don't yet have an Infra organization signup here.

infra login <your org> --enable-ssh

Create a connector access key

infra keys add --connector

You will use this access key later in this guide.

Install Infra

Install Infra on the Linux SSH host.

Set up the repository

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/infra.gpg
sudo echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/infra.gpg] * *" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/infra.list > /dev/null

Install Infra

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install infra

Setup and start the Infra connector

Next, on the Linux SSH host, create a configuration file with the access key you created earlier.

Set these environment variables to appropriate values:

export INFRA_ACCESS_KEY="<connector access key>"
export DESTINATION_HOST="<public ip or hostname>"
export DESTINATION_NAME=example

And create the connector configuration file using those variables:

cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/infra/connector.yaml
kind: ssh
  accessKey: $INFRA_ACCESS_KEY
sudo chmod 600 /etc/infra/connector.yaml
sudo chown infra:infra /etc/infra/connector.yaml

Currently, the name of the destination (example in the configuration above) cannot contain dots, and therefore can not be the IP address of the SSH host. This is due to a limitation within Infra that should be addressed soon.

Configure sshd to use Infra:

cat << EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Match group infra-users
  AuthorizedKeysFile none
  PasswordAuthentication no
  AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/local/sbin/infra sshd auth-keys %u %f
  AuthorizedKeysCommandUser infra

Finally, restart sshd service and start infra:

sudo systemctl restart sshd
sudo systemctl restart infra
sudo systemctl enable infra

Your SSH host should be ready to receive connections!


On your desktop machine, give yourself access:

infra grants add <your email> example

example is the name of the destination from connector.yaml above.

Granting access to groups is not currently supported. This is coming soon.

Use infra list to see you have access through Infra.

Next, access the server:

ssh <destination ip address>

You should be automatically authenticated and logged in. See your username:


Access Control

SSH access control is binary: either a user has access, or they don't.

For example, to grant a user access to a server:

infra grants add example

To revoke access:

infra grants remove example


Sudo access

Setup sudo to allow your user access to other accounts on the machine.

echo "$USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME

User provisioning

Infra creates users on the SSH host with useradd. The default shell of the user, and other settings for useradd can be customzied with /etc/defaults/useradd. See the useradd man page for more details.

When a user's access is removed the user and their home directory will be removed from the system with userdel.