Add the helm Infra repository:
helm repo add infrahq https://infrahq.github.io/helm-charts helm repo update
Next, create an access key using the infra
INFRA_ACCESS_KEY=$(infra keys add --connector -q)
Lastly, deploy Infra on the Kubernetes cluster:
helm install infra infrahq/infra --set config.name=example --set config.accessKey=$INFRA_ACCESS_KEY
To configure how the Infra connector is deployed, modify the Helm values file.
Infra automatically generates the current user's Kubernetes Kubeconfig for all the connected clusters when running infra login
infra login
infra login
also respects the KUBECONFIG variable.
KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/custom-config infra login
Switching Kubernetes clusters
Infra supports Kubernetes natively, and all existing tools that work with Kubernetes will continue to work.
Run kubectl
to switch to a connected Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl config use-context example
Lastly, run a command against the cluster:
kubectl get pods -A
Access control
To grant access, run infra grant
infra grants add --group Engineering my-cluster --role cluster-admin
Use Infra's resource notation to grant access to a namespace in the format:
For example, to grant view
access to the kube-system
infra grants add --group Engineering my-cluster.kube-system --role view
Role | Description |
cluster-admin | Access to any resource |
admin | Access to most resources, including roles and role bindings, but does not grant access to cluster-level resources such as cluster roles or cluster role bindings |
edit | Access to most resources in the namespace but does not grant access to roles or role bindings |
view | Access to read most resources in the namespace but does not grant write access nor does it grant read access to secrets |
logs | Access to pod logs |
exec | Access to kubectl exec |
port-forward | Access to kubectl port-forward |
Custom Kubernetes Roles
If the provided roles are not sufficient, additional roles can be configured to integrate with Infra. To add a new role, create a ClusterRole in a connected cluster with label app.infrahq.com/include-role=true
kubectl create clusterrole example --verb=get --resource=pods kubectl label clusterrole/example app.infrahq.com/include-role=true