CLI Reference


infra login

Login to Infra

infra login [SERVER] [flags]


# Login
infra login

# Login with username and password (prompt for password)
infra login --user

# Login with access key
export INFRA_ACCESS_KEY=2vrEbqFEUr.jtTlxkgYdvghJNdEa8YoUxN0
infra login

# Login with username and password
export INFRA_PASSWORD=p4ssw0rd
infra login


      --key string                       Login with an access key
      --no-agent                         Skip starting the Infra agent in the background
      --non-interactive                  Disable all prompts for input
      --skip-tls-verify                  Skip verifying server TLS certificates
      --tls-trusted-cert filepath        TLS certificate or CA used by the server
      --tls-trusted-fingerprint string   SHA256 fingerprint of the server TLS certificate
      --user string                      User email

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra logout

Log out of Infra


Log out of Infra Note: [SERVER] and [--all] cannot be both specified. Choose either one or all servers.

infra logout [SERVER] [flags]


# Log out of current server
$ infra logout
# Log out of a specific server
$ infra logout
# Logout of all servers
$ infra logout --all 
# Log out of current server and clear from list 
$ infra logout --clear
# Log out of a specific server and clear from list
$ infra logout --clear 
# Logout and clear list of all servers 
$ infra logout --all --clear


      --all     logout of all servers
      --clear   clear from list of servers

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra list

List accessible destinations

infra list [flags]

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra use

Access a destination

infra use DESTINATION [flags]


# Use a Kubernetes context
$ infra use development

# Use a Kubernetes namespace context
$ infra use development.kube-system

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra destinations list

List connected destinations

infra destinations list [flags]


      --format string   Output format [json|yaml]

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra destinations remove

Disconnect a destination

infra destinations remove DESTINATION [flags]


$ infra destinations remove docker-desktop


      --force   Exit successfully even if destination does not exist

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra grants list

List grants

infra grants list [flags]


      --destination string   Filter by destination
      --group string         Filter by group name or id
      --inherited            Include grants a user inherited through a group
      --resource string      Filter by resource
      --role string          Filter by user role
      --user string          Filter by user name or id

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra grants add

Grant a user or group access to a destination

infra grants add USER|GROUP DESTINATION [flags]


# Grant a user access to a destination
$ infra grants add docker-desktop

# Grant a group access to a destination
$ infra grants add group-a staging --group

# Grant access with fine-grained permissions
$ infra grants add staging --role viewer

# Assign a user a role within Infra
$ infra grants add infra --role admin


      --force         Create grant even if requested user, destination, or role are unknown
  -g, --group         When set, creates a grant for a group instead of a user
      --role string   Type of access that the user or group will be given (default "connect")

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra grants remove

Revoke a user or group's access to a destination

infra grants remove USER|GROUP DESTINATION [flags]


# Remove all grants of a user in a destination
$ infra grants remove docker-desktop

# Remove all grants of a group in a destination
$ infra grants remove group-a staging --group

# Remove a specific grant
$ infra grants remove staging --role viewer

# Remove adminaccess to infra
$ infra grants remove infra --role admin


      --force         Exit successfully even if grant does not exist
  -g, --group         Group to revoke access from
      --role string   Role to revoke

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra users add

Create a user


Create a user.

Note: A temporary password will be created. The user will be prompted to set a new password on first login.

infra users add USER [flags]


# Create a user
$ infra users add

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra users edit

Update a user

infra users edit USER [flags]


# Set a new password for a user
$ infra users edit --password


      --password   Set a new password, or if admin, set a temporary password for the user

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra users list

List users

infra users list [flags]


      --format string   Output format [json|yaml]

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra users remove

Delete a user

infra users remove USER [flags]


# Delete a user
$ infra users remove


      --force   Exit successfully even if user does not exist

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra groups add

Create a group

infra groups add GROUP [flags]


# Create a group
$ infra groups add Engineering

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra groups adduser

Add a user to a group

infra groups adduser USER GROUP [flags]


# Add a user to a group
$ infra groups adduser Engineering

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra groups list

List groups

infra groups list [flags]


      --no-truncate     Do not truncate the list of users for each group
      --num-users int   The number of users to display in each group (default 8)

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra groups remove

Delete a group

infra groups remove GROUP [flags]


# Delete a group
$ infra groups remove Engineering


      --force   Exit successfully even if the group does not exist

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra groups removeuser

Remove a user from a group

infra groups removeuser USER GROUP [flags]


# Remove a user from a group
$ infra groups removeuser Engineering


      --force   Exit successfully even if the user or group does not exist

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra keys list

List access keys

infra keys list [flags]


      --all            Show keys for all users
      --show-expired   Show expired access keys
      --user string    The name of a user to list access keys for

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra keys add

Create an access key


Create an access key for a user or a connector.

infra keys add [flags]


# Create an access key named 'example-key' for a user that expires in 12 hours
$ infra keys add --expiry=12h --name example-key

# Create an access key to add a Kubernetes connection to Infra
$ infra keys add --connector

# Set an environment variable with the newly created access key
$ MY_ACCESS_KEY=$(infra keys add -q --name my-key)


      --connector                     Create the key for the connector
      --expiry duration               The total time that the access key will be valid for (default 8760h0m0s)
      --inactivity-timeout duration   A specified deadline that the access key must be used within to remain valid (default 720h0m0s)
      --name string                   The name of the access key
  -q, --quiet                         Only display the access key
      --user string                   The name of the user who will own the key

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra keys remove

Delete an access key

infra keys remove KEY [flags]


      --force         Exit successfully even if access key does not exist
      --user string   The name of the user who owns the key

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra providers list

List connected identity providers

infra providers list [flags]


      --format string   Output format [json|yaml]

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra providers add

Connect an identity provider


Add an identity provider for users to authenticate. PROVIDER is a short unique name of the identity provider being added (eg. okta)

infra providers add PROVIDER [flags]


# Connect Okta to Infra
$ infra providers add okta --url --client-id 0oa3sz06o6do0muoW5d7 --client-secret VT_oXtkEDaT7UFY-C3DSRWYb00qyKZ1K1VCq7YzN --kind okta

# Connect Google to Infra with group sync
$ infra providers add google --url --client-id 0oa3sz06o6do0muoW5d7 --client-secret VT_oXtkEDaT7UFY-C3DSRWYb00qyKZ1K1VCq7YzN --service-account-key ~/client-123.json --workspace-domain-admin --kind google


      --client-id string                OIDC client ID
      --client-secret string            OIDC client secret
      --kind string                     The identity provider kind. One of 'oidc, okta, azure, or google' (default "oidc")
      --scim                            Create an access key for SCIM provisioning
      --service-account-email string    The email assigned to the Infra service client in Google
      --service-account-key filepath    The private key used to make authenticated requests to Google's API, can be a file or the key string directly
      --url string                      Base URL of the domain of the OIDC identity provider (eg.
      --workspace-domain-admin string   The email of your Google Workspace domain admin

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra providers edit

Update a provider

infra providers edit PROVIDER [flags]


# Set a new client secret for a connected provider
$ infra providers edit okta --client-secret VT_oXtkEDaT7UFY-C3DSRWYb00qyKZ1K1VCq7YzN

# Connect Google to Infra with group sync
$ infra providers edit google --client-secret VT_oXtkEDaT7UFY-C3DSRWYb00qyKZ1K1VCq7YzN --service-account-key ~/client-123.json --service-account-email --workspace-domain-admin


      --client-secret string            Set a new client secret
      --scim                            Create a new access key for SCIM provisioning
      --service-account-email string    The email assigned to the Infra service client in Google
      --service-account-key filepath    The private key used to make authenticated requests to Google's API
      --workspace-domain-admin string   The email of your Google workspace domain admin

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra providers remove

Disconnect an identity provider

infra providers remove PROVIDER [flags]


$ infra providers remove okta


      --force   Exit successfully even if provider does not exist

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra info

Display the info about the current session

infra info [flags]

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra version

Display the Infra version

infra version [flags]

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra about

Display information about Infra

infra about [flags]

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version

infra completion

Generate shell auto-completion for the CLI


To load completions:


$ source <(infra completion bash)

To load completions for each session, execute once:

  • Linux: $ infra completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/infra
  • macOS: $ infra completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/infra

If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment, you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once: $ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

To load completions for each session, execute once: $ infra completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_infra"

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


$ infra completion fish | source

To load completions for each session, execute once: $ infra completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/


PS> infra completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

To load completions for every new session, run: PS> infra completion powershell > infra.ps1 and source this file from your PowerShell profile.

infra completion

Additional options

      --help                 Display help
      --log-level string     Show logs when running the command [error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --skip-version-check   Skip checking if the CLI is ahead of the server version